Monday, November 7, 2011

The New Set of Rules of a Hindu Marriage

The Hindu Marriage customs in India has undergone a sea change and new rules and regulations have come up. In the ancient days, matrimonial relationships were considered sacred and were more of union of two souls. The concept of seven lives of unity between a man and woman existed and couples happily believed in this theory, as mentioned in the Hindu texts and manuscripts.

With the changing mindset of couples and the fast and busy lives, the theory of seven lives in unison is just a mere theory. The sacredness of the matrimonial relationship is giving way to more complex form of matrimony. Earlier, the woman was the dutiful wife at home performing household duties and the man took care of earning money. The modern Hindu man and woman believe in sharing responsibilities, and not just are confined to any fixed roles. The customs are still there in a Hindu Matrimonial but a legal aspect is also adding to the matrimonial celebrations.

The Indian constitution has incorporated detailed guidelines on the various aspects of Hindu Marriage. There are a set of laws and regulations pertaining to the Hindus communities in case of any unpleasant happenings between the couple. The Government of India has set up the ‘Hindu Marriage Act’, which came into effect on 18 May in the year 1955.

According to the guidelines mentioned in the Hindu Marriage Act, there is a fixed marriage age for the girls and boys. Earlier, girls were married very young and did not had any formal education. The government has fixed the age of marriage at 18 for girls. In case of boys, the marriageable age is 21.

Another ancient custom, polygamy and bigamy prevalent in the Hindu community are not permitted. The Hindu Marriage Act prohibits such a practice and it is punishable under law. In addition, the seven lives theory of ancient Hindu marriage is only in texts. The government allows divorces to couples on several grounds related to cruelty, adultery or unsound mind. It is also mandatory for any Hindu Marriage to register under law.

Author: Shipra Sinha

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